To cite or not to cite, that is the (authors) question!

“Como te gustan las citas”, pregunta el caballero, acodado en la barra, a una señorita a su lado. Ella contesta sin dudarlo, “Apellido, Título y Año,…y vos?” In scientific writing, recognizing others work when it is due, is very important for a variety of reasons. For starters, it is the right thing to do, but also, it relates to the idea that scientific knowledge builds upon earlier acquired information, very much like each brick of a wall is set upon a previously laid brick. When we write a paper, we acknowledge previous work by citing it. Now, having said this, why is it that more often than not, students or junior scientists struggle when it comes to appropriately citing in their texts and in using the “right” reference list? One common issue-the use of too many references- could be assigned to some degree of lack of confidence in some statements. When one is writing your own first papers, you may often feel the need to refer to all that literature you have been...